The W&J On-Time Graduation Guarantee

At W&J, we are committed to student success. Toward that end, we will work with you in personalized, one-on-one advising sessions and in challenging, small classes to help you discover your talents, nurture them, and excel. det365app知道准时毕业是至关重要的——它使你的教育负担得起,并提供重要的职业发展动力.

The W&J按时毕业保证承诺所有符合 College’s academic expectations will be able to graduate in four years. det365app有足够的信心做出这样的保证,因为det365app有这样一个强大的记录, recognized nationally by The Princeton Review and Forbes Magazine, for the success of our students and our graduates.

这一优异的成绩证明了如何结合激励, 专注的学生和敬业的教职员工可以创造成功.

In the four years you are at W&J, 你还可以利用学院提供的优秀研究和实习机会, including access to The Magellan Project, 被全国公认为最具创新性的留学项目. det365app有一个包含400多个实习的数据库,涵盖从医学到财务分析再到音乐行业的各个领域.

From your first day on campus, you will understand how W&J can deliver on our promise. You will receive personalized attention from our Admission Office, then from your academic advisor, and finally in our small classes (11:1 student-to-faculty ratio). Outside of the classroom, det365app的宿舍提供了生活学习体验的机会(学生分享一个班级住在同一个宿舍),以及通过许多组织提供社区服务的乐趣,如大哥/大姐, the Literacy Council, and the Humane Society. You will find that your calendar is full!

The Guarantee

det365app保证所有达到det365app学术期望的学生将在四年内毕业. 如果满足这些要求的学生不能在四年内毕业, the College will provide up to one year of tuition at W&J free of charge.

Seal of Washington & Jefferson College - two joined towers inside a circle
The On-Time Graduation Guarantee

Just one more way that W&J demonstrates its exceptional value.

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